7 October 2023 Saturday 6pm [CANCELLED] [Changed to 15 October 2023 Sunday 6pm]
8 October 2023 Sunday 6pm [CANCELLED] [Changed to 15 October 2023 Sunday 6pm]
15 October 2023 Sunday 6pm
£5 | 10 places only per session | Please email for tickets
Two performances and dialogues between seemingly disparate objects and materials, exploring potential and illusory connections . These collections of small sequences and actions use sound, gesture, synchronicity, mark making and projection to create their own expressive language and suggest hidden narratives and structures.
Materials – Projection – speakers – tennis ball – coin -chalk- metronome – gloves

Using high pitch frequencies along with movement and gesture, these improvisational performances will explore the physicality and musicality of high pitch resonant tones. Integrating recorded and live elements with hand, body and gesture to manipulate and shape the signal.
Performed initially as part of Perpetual Possibility at Iklectik Arts Lab this next series of performances will continue to explore aspects of physicality, duration, musicality and collaboration
Matt Harding is a musician and artist whose work explores movement, texture and repetition. He has released several albums, scored films and live soundtracks. His audio visual pieces include performative installations and an ongoing series of sound films. He has exhibited and performed at The Freud museum, Cafe Oto, Margate and Ramsgate Festivals, Radiophrenia, Klingt Gut, Hackney Wkd, and The Serpentine Gallery amongst others. He also runs the sound and art platform The Thames Submarine.
Image by Matt Harding