Sound Exhibition :
16 September 2022 Friday 5-8pm [Artist will be present 5:30-7pm]
17 & 18 September Saturday & Sunday 2:30-6:30pm [Artist will be present 2:30-4:30pm both days]
Running Time : 25 minutes. Free Entry
This is one of the four exhibitions of work and artists selected from DIVFUSE Sound Archive No. 3 – an Open Call for pieces that are based on field recordings. We are pleased that this round of the Open Call is funded by the Arts Council England and the work was jointly selected between Project DIVFUSE and sound artist and tutor Jose Macabra.
FUMP HULDER, or ‘Essence of the hidden’ (translation from the late 18th century Devonshire dialect), is a document of several days spent exploring the acoustic ecology, landscape, and geology of Permian Period Dartmoor, formed some 280 million years ago.
‘As well as (re)opening my deep-listening practice with this short study, mediated via sound and the environment; textural and elemental, it also reasserted the visual beauty without the constant reminder of humanity and its footprint.
Employing different microphones, I located and recorded the sound hidden and unavailable to the human ear. The pure sounds of flowing water beneath the surface tension, the crack and lurching of different trees, the elements on rusty barbed fences and farm gates. But not ignoring the often ignored such as the throbbing rumble of the wind canopy within huge forests and the change in acoustics and sound of areas completely hidden by morning fog.
The few film pictures taken are all closely connected to the sound experience and in particular, recordings made, so became a psycho-geographic locational pairing.’ – Martyn Riley
Martyn Riley is a London-based, Derbyshire born, Sound Artist and Experimental Musician, focusing on associations between sound, experience, memory and the physical. He employs a multitude of recording techniques utilizing new and older analogue methods of sound composition. Manipulating sonic landscapes, challenging the listeners perceptions of personal and physical environments inhabited.