1st Open Screening / Group Discussions
16 March 2025 Sunday 4pm – 6:30pm
DIVFUSE 8:16 [Eight Sixteen] is a new line of curatorial project that calls for Standard 8mm, Super 8mm and 16mm films (including video finished films). Artists are expected to show and discuss about the work with the group on the day.

Up to 5 artists will be selected for this first DIVFUSE 8:16 event. Each artist will be given a 20 minutes slot on the day to show and talk about the work with the group, together with experienced film-makers Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo.
- Email your name, name of the film, year made, original duration, brief description of the work including format (150 words max), 2 images of the work; and a short artist’s bio (150 words max) to divfuse@gmail.com by 1 March 2025.
- Submission is free but if the work is selected, participation fee is £6 should the artist wishes to take up the spot.
- Maximum duration of the projection is 10 minutes to allow time for the discussions. The 10 minutes can be an extract of a longer piece.
- Two films can be submitted but only one piece may be selected.
- Video finished films (e.g. scans in digital format) and work in progress projects are acceptable.
- 5 artists will be selected for this first DIVFUSE 8:16 event. Each artist will be given approximately 20 minutes slot on the day to show and talk about the work with the group.
- Artists are expected to bring along the films or videos on the day.
- Projectors will be provided by the venue.
- No refund can be arranged once the participation fee is paid.
- Participation fee £6 has to be paid before the event to secure a place.
- Project DIVFUSE will NOT be responsible for any damage of the films during the screening, particularly due to aging of the materials.
For enquiries, please email divfuse@gmail.com.
Project DIVFUSE would like to thank Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo for initiating the idea of open screening and for supporting us by providing the projectors for the event.