DIVFUSE 8:16 – Open Screening No. 1

1st Open Screening / Group Discussions

16 March 2025 Sunday 4pm – 6:30pm

DIVFUSE 8:16 [Eight Sixteen] is a new line of curatorial project that calls for Standard 8mm, Super 8mm and 16mm films (including video finished films). Artists are expected to show and discuss about the work with the group on the day.

Up to 5 artists will be selected for this first DIVFUSE 8:16 event. Each artist will be given a 20 minutes slot on the day to show and talk about the work with the group, together with experienced film-makers Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo.


  1. Email your name, name of the film, year made, original duration, brief description of the work including format (150 words max), 2 images of the work; and a short artist’s bio (150 words max) to divfuse@gmail.com by 1 March 2025.
  2. Submission is free but if the work is selected, participation fee is £6 should the artist wishes to take up the spot.
  3. Maximum duration of the projection is 10 minutes to allow time for the discussions. The 10 minutes can be an extract of a longer piece.
  4. Two films can be submitted but only one piece may be selected.
  5. Video finished films (e.g. scans in digital format) and work in progress projects are acceptable.


  1. 5 artists will be selected for this first DIVFUSE 8:16 event. Each artist will be given approximately 20 minutes slot on the day to show and talk about the work with the group.
  2. Artists are expected to bring along the films or videos on the day.
  3. Projectors will be provided by the venue.
  4. No refund can be arranged once the participation fee is paid.
  5. Participation fee £6 has to be paid before the event to secure a place.
  6. Project DIVFUSE will NOT be responsible for any damage of the films during the screening, particularly due to aging of the materials.

For enquiries, please email divfuse@gmail.com.

Project DIVFUSE would like to thank Guy Sherwin and Lynn Loo for initiating the idea of open screening and for supporting us by providing the projectors for the event.

Daily Concerns – Collected Films : Matt Harding

Screenings :
1 March Saturday 2025 2:30-6pm 
2 March Sunday 2:30-6pm
Running Time: approximately 20 mins 

Artist Talk :
Session One : 1 March Saturday 6pm
Session Two : 2 March Sunday 6pm [FULL]
£5 | 8 places only each session | Please email divfuse@gmail.com for tickets

After the screenings Matt will discuss some of the processes and approaches to the films as well as sharing some performative pieces developed from elements and details within the films.

Exploring themes of ephemerality, movement and gesture, this collection of short duration works, taken from 2016 – 2024 explores the interplay and relationships between sound, movement and image.

Taking a heavily process based approach, the films frequently are the result of improvisation or working with found objects and materials, shot quickly and edited using social media software, they adopt a naive quality and DIY aesthetic. Dictionary, the centerpiece of the collection is a catalogue of gestures and movements,  a compendium of stitched together sonic and non sonic acts.


Everything’s a game to you
On the bridge
Stranger on the shore
Throw 1 & 2
Now who’s laughing
Rest positions
Daily Concerns
Eleanor Street
Melody nail

Non Mountain : Angus Carlyle, Chrystal Cherniwchan & Craig Tattersall

Exhibition :

14 February 2025 Friday 5-7:30pm

15 February Saturday 2:30-6:30pm

16 February Sunday 2:30-6:30pm

Suggested donations £2. No booking required.

Non Mountain is a collaboration between Angus Carlyle, Chrystal Cherniwchan and Craig Tattersall (UK). It was selected from DIVFUSE Sound Archive No.5 Open Call for work that is based on field recordings.
Initially this project started as a response by Chrystal Cherniwchan and Craig Tattersall to a soundtrack and text by Angus Carlyle, from his collaboration with Chiara Caterina, in which they referenced a passage from the novel Mount Analogue by René Daumal: 
For a mountain to play the role of Mount Analogue, I concluded, its summit must be inaccessible but its base accessible to human beings as nature has made them. It must be unique and it must exist geographically. The door to the invisible must be visible. (Daumal, 1952) 

Non Mountain

Through Daumal’s writing and recontextualising on previous work that Carlyle created, a mapping started to unfold, built around layers of interpretation, iteration, and construction. Cherniwchan and Tattersall created a sound piece and made preparatory photographs, that were used as cues to elicit further responses from Carlyle, which involved texts inspired by catalysed memories of the original fieldwork, photographic documentation of forgotten ephemera only re-discovered after Cherniwchan and Tattersall’s prompts and a new composition in the spirit of conversational reply. 
In the publication Writer Conversations, comprising of interviews with authors about the practice of writing on photography, Duncan Wooldridge writes: 
…the affective act of writing with, the process of writing around the photographic image proposes a diagrammatical model, a mapping of how an image moves and makes forms of contact and interconnection. Understanding emerges from a kind of encircling – values and meanings are drawn from how the image intersects with language and other images. (Wooldridge, 2023) 

Bayt Yakan : Luca Nasciuti

Sound Exhibition :

8 February 2025 Saturday 2:30-5:30pm

9 February Sunday 2:30-5:30pm

Running time : 30 minutes. Suggested donations : £2. No booking required.

Performance :

Session One : 8 February Saturday 6pm

Session Two : 9 February Sunday 6pm

£7 | 8 places only each session | Please email divfuse@gmail.com for tickets

Bayt Yakan of Luca Nasciuti (UK) was selected from DIVFUSE Sound Archive No. 5 Open Call for work that is based on field recordings.

Bayt Yakan 2024 is a collection of field recordings that mark and map the essence of a newly restored historic house in Cairo, Egypt. It features 5 edited recordings of playback sound performance-walks recorded within the walls of Bayt Yakan, revealing the relationship between sound, environment, and heritage. By activating the surroundings, Luca maps the building and courtyard, creating an auditory experience that reflects the character of this location.

During the performance at the house, pre-recorded material was played back through a portable loudspeaker, allowing Luca to interact with the building and the objects within it. This interaction highlights the importance of space in shaping sound and music. The recordings weave together the indoor and outdoor sonic environment with Luca’s slow journey within the building, inviting listeners to engage with the layers of sound that define the historic site.

Bayt Yakan serves as a reminder of the interaction between history, memory and embodied experience that shape our environment. By mapping the space through field recordings and layering recorded soundscapes in the same location, the project highlights the complexity of urban regeneration and cultural conservation. What is to be saved and who holds the power over these sites becomes the guiding principle for this auditory investigation of space.

DIVFUSE Sound Archive No. 5 : Open Call

This Open Call has now closed. Results can be found in the Current/Upcoming page. Thank you for all the artists who made a submission.

***Open Call*** for sound work that is based on field recordings. Deadline for Open Call No. 5 is 22nd December 2024


1) Text on the each piece (300 words maximum). This shall include the name, year and duration of the work, together with brief descriptions on ways of presentation (for example, 2 channels audio through speakers/headphones etc)

2) Artists’ bio (200 words maximum)

3) A link to the work. It could be a link to Soundcloud for example but please do not send us the file to download.

4) Send the submission through by email to divfuse@gmail.com on or before 22nd December 2024.


1) Up to two pieces of work can be submitted by each artist (or group of artists who work together).

2) Each piece shall be at least 20 minutes long and can be made up of different parts.

3) Examples of work include pure sound from field recordings and compositions based on the recorded materials. Visuals and other elements such as live performances may be included if they are part of the work.

4) Selected pieces will EACH be exhibited for a weekend (Friday to Sunday) for free in late January/February 2025 at Project DIVFUSE micro digital and multi-media art gallery, London. There is no payment to the artists but we will offer the following:

* micro gallery space (5m x 3m) to carry out the exhibition.

* basic equipments for use during the exhibitions inside the gallery, including 4 x small Genelec speakers on stands, a Genelec subwoofer, a projector and a laptop to play the file(s) from.

* management of the exhibition including invigilating the space and promotion on social media.

Loops & Lines / Asanoha : Lynn Loo

Film Installations :

24 January 2025 Friday 5-7pm

25 January Saturday 2:30-6pm

26 January Sunday 2:30-6pm

Suggested donations : £2

Artist’s Talks :

Session One : 24 January Friday 7pm

Session Two : 25 January Saturday 6pm

Session Three : 26 January Sunday 6pm

£5 | 6 places only each session | Please email divfuse@gmail.com for tickets

Two new installations that use hand-made and recorded images in chance structures that combine digital video with animated sound drawings on 16mm film will be presented in this exhibition.

Loops & Lines develops ideas based on the artist’s last show at Project DIVFUSE Lines and Light 2023 in which she combined digital imagery with the material qualities of hand-drawn 16mm to bring out connections between abstraction and representation. Light passes through cuttings of the films which adds another visual layer to the installation.

Asanoha was made on a 2024 residency in Japan using patterns influenced by the traditional wood-lattice craft of Kanuma Kumiko.

For the talks, the artist will take us through the development of her work from the exhibition in Project DIVFUSE 2023 to her recent solo show in Singapore as well as the residency in Japan.

Lynn Loo is a moving image artist working between celluloid and video for over twenty years. Her works have been shown internationally in film festivals and galleries. Most recently solo exhibition and film performance programme at Objectifs Centre of Photography in Singapore and S8 Mostra de Cinema Periférico in A Coruña Spain. Earlier this year, she was granted a Sasakawa award to attend a residency at Center in Kanuma City Japan.

dewfields.co.uk | #lynnloofilm

Image by Lynn Loo