DIVFUSE / INNOVATE 2024 : Open Call

***This Open Call is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to make a submission. Selected artists and work have now been announced. They are Nick Land’s Meltdown AI-fication by Kosmas Giannoutakis (US) and Inertia Instruments by David Sappa (UK). Details of the exhibitions can be found in the other posts following this page.***


Calling for work with an emphasis on making sound with innovative/renewed/alternative methods, technologies or equipments (non-commercial). Selected art pieces will have the opportunity to exhibit in our micro project space in July/August over a weekend to mark the 3rd anniversary of Project DIVFUSE.


Submission Deadline : 14th June 2024 Friday


Terms and Conditions :

  1. To make a submission, please email name and year of the piece with description (400 words maximum) detailing the concepts, methods, technologies and/or equipments used; a link to the sound or video (note: do not transfer files of the work for download); 3 to 5 images; a short bio with any links to websites (250 words maximum) to divfuse@gmail.com by 14th June 2024.
  2. The work can be in the form of pure sound, installation, video documentary, mixed media and so on and has to be between 30 and 60 minutes long. Multiple pieces can be submitted under one submission to make up the duration.
  3. Maximum of 2 submissions can be made per artist or per group of artists.
  4. Artists are encouraged to include a talk, performance or workshop in addition to the exhibition which can be in the form of a ticketed event where the income will be split between the artist and Project DIVFUSE.
  5. There is no price money, artists’ fee or transport cost given by Project DIVFUSE. The selected artists will each be given the opportunity to showcase the work at our micro art space for one weekend (Friday to Sunday) for free in July/August 2024.
  6. Artists who are submitting an installation will have to be available to set up the work in person the week prior to the exhibition. Arrangements can be made between Project DIVFUSE and the artists regarding the setting up dates.
  7. Minimal drilling can be done at the space which needs to be reinstated by the artists to its original state after the exhibition.
  8. Artists can use the in-house equipments e.g. 4 small Genelec speakers, subwoofer, mixer and projector. Artists will have to provide their own equipments if anything extras are needed.
  9. Project DIVFUSE will take a commission of 20% should any work be sold during the exhibition.
  10. Depending on the number and the quality of submissions received, more than one artists would be selected to maximise the opportunities.
  11. Submissions from outside the UK are welcomed.


For any enquiry, please email divfuse@gmail.com